Join us in Cedar Falls this October!
This year’s conference will combine the Iowa Trails Summit and Iowa Bike Summit to bring together enthusiasts, advocates and professionals from across Iowa and beyond. The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. These opportunities provide platforms for discussion and collaboration on a variety of topics such as trail development (acquisition, phasing, and construction), on street cycling accommodations and network planning, maintenance, volunteer management, policy, promotion, and marketing.
The Summits aim to inspire, educate, and empower attendees to continue to support Iowa as the World Capital of Trails and a more bicycle-friendly state.
Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase tickets for either the Trail Summit or the Bicycle Summit. Or, they can purchase a discounted ticket to attend both. Registration to open soon!
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors
Presenting Sponsors
Major Sponsors
Trails Sponsors
Iowa Trails Summit hosts
Join us
The Iowa Trails Summit brings together trail blazers from across Iowa each fall to learn, connect and collaborate from afar. Professional and volunteer trail advocates alike are welcome.